Cara Johnson, Gunyah artist-in-residence August 2023 |
Gunyah really gave me a place to rest and reflect. I feel so fortunate that I was able to bring my family with me, I haven’t spent time away from my young daughter and this residency made me feel so welcomed and supported as an artist, and a mum.
Cara Johnson, Gunyah artist-in-residence August 2023 |
Butcherbirds have my favourite song, and they called to each other in the trees while I worked.
Cara Johnson, Gunyah artist-in-residence August 2023 |
It was interesting for me to see sweet pittosporum in the bushland looking beautiful - where I live in Victoria’s southwest is way outside of its natural range and considered a terrible weed due to its threat to plant diversity. I’m used to pulling out seedlings that I come across on walks, but here I let them be while I enjoyed discovering unfamiliar acacia seed pods. I found larger versions of familiar orchids and think they must thrive in the warmer climate.
Cara Johnson, Gunyah artist-in-residence August 2023 |
Dolphins and bandicoots, kites, pelicans, albatross and musk lorikeets. I was nervous about ticks (something also unfamiliar) and did get one on the last day and it was not even close to as bad as I’d imagined! Leeches are much worse, and live close to home, stretching out towards legs from the ends of bracken.
Cara Johnson, Gunyah artist-in-residence August 2023 |
I had some new insights during my time away and can see them making their way into work. I’m very grateful to Kath and everyone connected to Gunyah.
Cara Johnson, Gunyah artist-in-residence August 2023 |
Gunyah residency report, August 2023
Cara Johnson
Cara Johnson, Gunyah artist-in-residence August 2023 |