Residency report: Obscuria Deaf Collective

Obscuria Deaf Collective: Irene Holub, Angie Goto, Sofya Gollan and Riona Twomey

Irene Holub: "This was my first arts residency and my first experience sharing Deaf Arts space over 10 days. I would wake up every morning for long walks and be inspired by the beauties of nature and then work all day making art. It validated the need to access space that allows us to connect, create and engage on an intellectual, creative and emotional levels with other deaf artists. It inspired us in many ways to collaborate and envisage a pathway of Obscuria Deaf Arts. Thank you for this opportunity." 

Angie Goto: "My time at the Gunyah was healing and full of inspiration surrounding nature. It was particularly special to fully conversing in Auslan with my creative Deaf women friends. It was so special to have the time and Deaf space to decompress from the fast pace of hearing world and life. We all enjoyed learning from each other in a few creative activities and brainstorming on ideas for our future exhibition. Also during our stay, we visited the Creative Incubator in Hamilton which was valuable to bounce off ideas and feed off one another's creativity."  

Sofya Gollan: "The opportunity to dream by the river, walk through bushland and watch pelicans chase boats from the loft window was a beautiful hiatus from my usual push and pull of everyday concerns. I wrote every day on my screenplay, cracking the spine of the story to make significant progress that I was able to continue on my return home. Having that dedicated time to explore, write dead ends, and track back to start again was invaluable. The spare time was used in exploring disciplines I am not used to , such as painting, collograph printing, and personal vision writing to create a blueprint for the next few years. In short, a creative to-do list was largely conquered, in a beautiful tranquil setting with three other deaf artists. The chance to check in every day with other Deaf Auslan users meant we were able to create a safe and sign language rich experience, where we did not have to ‘code-switch” between having to lip-read and speak, and then back to Auslan again. It was a rare opportunity to be simply and fully Deaf."

Riona Twomey: "The ten day residency allowed our group to refocus and talk together, dream and plan pathways in which to grow and strengthen the aims of the groups objective. Doing art, exchanging art skills, sharing and educating each others in their creative processes, the walks together have brought us closer together."

Gunyah residency report, August 2024

Obscuria Deaf Collective

Irene Holub @ireneholub 
Sofya Gollan @bolshiebird 
Riona Tindal @riorioartist 
Angie Goto @turbly